The 220V Lamp Flasher circuit basically is a line powered flasher which can be used in many applications such as the Chritmas lamp. Below is the circuit schematic diagram

Skema Rangkaian 220V Lamp Flasher
This circuit directly connected to the netting of electricity, voltage 220V electricity it could sting you. Avoid working in damp and directly with ground

Skema Rangkaian 220V Lamp Flasher
- Input supply - 6 ~ 12 VDC
- Output - upto 200 W lamp / bulb load
- Optically isolated Mains supply
- Onboard preset to adjust the frequency (speed) of flashing (1 Hz to 5 Hz)
- Power Battery Terminal (PBT) for easy input 230 VAC mains and load connection
- Terminal pins for connecting DC power supply
- Four mounting holes of 3.2 mm each
- List Componet of 220V Lamp Flasher circuit
- CN1: 6 V to 12 VDC voltage source
- C1: 10uF/25V capacitor elektrolit
- C2: 0.22uF/275V capacitor elektrolit
- C3: 47uF/25V capacitor elektrolit
- C4: 0.1uF/25V capacitor elektrolit
- D1: LED
- D2, D3: 1N4148 Dioda
- PR1: 100K Variable resistor
- PR2: 50K Variable resistor
- Q1: TIC226 Triac
- R1: 2k2 resistor 1/2 watt
- R2, R5: 1K resistor 1/2 watt
- R3: 180E resistor 1/2 watt
- R4: 680E resistor 1/2 watt
- U1: LM555 IC timer
- U2: MOC3021
- V1: 230V AC input
- Z1: 100W Load
This circuit directly connected to the netting of electricity, voltage 220V electricity it could sting you. Avoid working in damp and directly with ground
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