60 watt Audio AmplifierThis circuit in the complete with bass-boost control on the fedback loop amplifier, this is done to overcome the declining quality of tone Bass. Graphic bass can reach a maximum at +16.4 dB @ 50Hz.
Note: Q3 and Q4 should be put in with the heatsinks.
20 Watt Audio AmplifierSet the volume control on the position of the minimum and R3 with a minimum value resistansi also. try to switch the series and set up to R3 legible flow about 20 to 25mA.

Component List:
P1 P2 R2,4,8 R1 R3 R5 R6, 7 R9 R10 C1, 8 C2, 5 C3, 4 C6 C7 | : 22k (Potesiometer) : 100k (potensiometer) : 820R 1/4W : 4K7 1/4W : 500R 1/2W : 82K 1/4W : 47K 1/4W : 10R 1/2W : 0,22 4W(wirewound) : 470nF 63V : 100uF/25V : 470uF/25V :47pF 63V :10nF 63V | C9 D1 IC 1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 J | : 100nF 63V : 1N4148 : NE5532 : BC547B : BC557B : TIP42A : TIP41A : RCA Input |

Circuit 20 Watt Audio Amplifier
Component List:R1 C1,C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 U1 | : 39K 1/4 watt : 10 uF 25v : 100 uF 25v : 47 uF 25v : 0.1 uF 25v : 2200 uF 25v : TDA1554 |
- The circuit works best with 4 ohm speakers, but 8 ohm units will do.
- The circuit dissipates roughly 28 watts of heat, so a good heatsink is necessary. The chip should run cool enough to touch with the proper heatsink installed.
- The circuit operates at 12 Volts at about 5 Amps at full volume. Lower volumes use less current, and therefore produce less heat.
LM386 Audio Amplifier
This simple amplifier shows the LM386 in a high-gain configuration . For a maximum gain of only 20, leave out the 10 uF connected from pin 1 to pin 8. Maximum gains between 20 and 200 may be realized by adding a selected resistor in series with the same 10 uF capacitor. The 10k potentiometer will give the amplifier a variable gain from zero up to the maximum.

The supply voltage should be about +/- 35 Volts at full load, which will let this little guy provide a maximum of 56 Watts. To enable maximum power, it is important to get the lowest possible case to heatsink thermal resistance.
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