Control Lampu|kipas Angin 200 watt/220 volt

Rangkaian Control Lampu|kipas Angin is the circuit diagram of the simplest lamp dimmer or fan regulator.The circuit is based on the prin...

Rangkaian Pendeteksi (Sensor) Kelembaban Udara

Pendeteksi (Sensor) Kelembaban Udara Dew ad- versely affects the normal per- formance of sensitive electronic devices. A low-cost circuit de...

Rangkaian Alarm pendeteksi Api menggunakan LDR

In the rooms are vulnerable to fire, such as a storage material flammable, required a system of prevention of the occurrence of fire. For ex...

Rangkaian Regulator menggunakan Op-Amp

Regulator is a series of regulations or the voltage output from power so that a portion darinaik effects or voltage drop in net does not aff...
