Lampu Led Emergency|otomatis, Battery 6 volt

Lampu led emergency|otomatis dengan battery 6 volt LED (Light Emitting diode) is used almost in most electronic devices such as television,...

Rangkaian Pendeteksi obyek Dengan Infra Red

Infra red (infra red) is the diffraction wavelength elektromagnet more than its visible light is between 700 nm and 1 mm. Infra red rays of ...

Rangkaian Stop Watch Digital Tampilan 7 Segmen

A digital stop watch built around timer LM555 and 4-digit counter MM74C926 with multiplexed 7-segment LED display. MM74C926 consists of a ...

Rangkaian pembangkit Gelombang Terkontrol|variabel

Rangkaian pembangkit Gelombang Terkontrol|variabel ICL8038 is a function generator chip, able of generating triangular, square , sine, pulse...
