Rangkaian Pendeteksi Air Hujan sederhana

Rangkain Pendeteksi Air Hujan circuit of rain detector uses a sensor made of a small piece of etched PC board and a simple SCR circuit to d...

Pembangkit|Osilator gelombang sinus Wien bridge.

Pembangkit/osilator gelombang sinus is the main instrument that needs to exist in the electronics design of each workshop. For example, ne...

Rangkaian ADC 0804 Mode Free ranning

Rangkaian ADC 0804 Mode Free ranning Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is a device that is designed to change analog signals into digital...

Rankaian Charge HP Menggunakan battery AA (3 volt)

Rankaia Charge hp Menggunakan battery AA (3 volt) With this tiny thing you can almost charge all the devices which are charged via the USB, ...

Rangkaian Traffic Light 20 Chanel Berbasis 74LXX

Rangkaian Traffic Light 20 Chanel Berbasis 74LXX This electronic project (Rangkaian Traffic light) based only on 74LSxx family and IC 555 as...

Rangkaian Driver Led Dot Matrix 8 X 8

on a series of below you can find out how to drive an led matrix with 64 LEDs (8 rows by 8 columns - 8x8 display) or less eg 35 LEDs (7 rows...
