Arus |Tegangan|Daya||Energi Listrik

Arus listrik| Electric current (I) Electric current states that the number of load flow in a certain direction on a series of electrical e...

Analisis Nodal/Simpul/Titik -Analisa Rangkain Elektronika

Analisis Nodal /Simpul/Titik Untuk mempermudah Analisa Rangkain Elektronika Nodal / Simpul /titik Analysis By using this method, we will ...

Analisis Loop/Mesh Pada Rangkaian Elektronika

Analisis Loop /Mesh Pada Rangkaian Elektronika Stages to implement the Loop Analysis / Mesh is this: 1. Determine the direction of flow in e...

Transformasi Sumber

Transformasi Sumber When we apply a method to analyze a series of DC, may be necessary to change the source of flow into voltage source or v...

Teorema Thevenin - Analisis Rangkaian Elektronika

Teorema Thevenin untuk menganalisis Rangkaian DC Thevenin theorems states that any two of the series can be converted into an equivalent s...

Teorema Norton-Analisis Rangkaian Listrik

Teorema Norton untuk menganalisis Rangkaian listrik DC Norton theorems is that, any two of the series can be converted into an equivalent ...
